
Relationship between transient flooding and effects of plant hormones on chrysanthemum plants.

Gindin, E.; Mayak, S.;

Israel Agresearch Year: 1992 Vol: 6 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 97-115, x Ref: 43 ref.



Relationship between transient flooding and effects of plant hormones on chrysanthemum plants.

Controlled transient flooding of the roots of chrysanthemum plants during growth led to earlier senescence in the leaves of cut flowers, compared with plants not subjected to flooding. Endogenous ethylene concentrations in the leaves and stem rose during flooding and petioles developed epinasty. Ethylene concentration in the flooded roots was low, but increased as aerobic conditions were restored. In the cells of flooded roots, the cristae of the mitochondria appeared swollen, compared with those of control plants, and the cytoplasm was transparent. At the same time, the amount of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the leaves decreased. The ultrastructural changes in the root cells persisted even after re-aeration. At harvest, the ethylene concentration in leaves and shoots rose in both flooded and control plants, but did so earlier in flooded plants. Foliar application of GA3 during flooding and re-aeration affected polypeptide composition in the leaves and slowed down postharvest leaf senescence. It is suggested that as a result of the stress to the roots caused by flooding, GA3 synthesis was reduced which in turn affected the sensitivity of both roots and leaves to ethylene.