
Socio-economic considerations in onion production and handling in the Philippines: opportunities for technology transfer.

Azucena, C. F.;

Onion Newsletter for the Tropics Year: 1993 Issue: No. 5 Pages: 10-16



Socio-economic considerations in onion production and handling in the Philippines: opportunities for technology transfer.

The social milieu within which onion growers in the Philippines operate encompasses interrelated physical, biological and technological variables. Many of these conditions are shared by both small and large growers, leading to economic cooperation between them in some cases. Many of these factors impinge on the total production, postharvest handling and marketing chain: for example, the type and size of onion farms; land ownership; growing practices affecting yield and quality; availability of credit; input utilization; postharvest handling practices and facilities. The seasonal nature of onion cropping imposes strain on the marketing system and leads to price instability. Inefficiencies in the marketing channels aggravate the situation. Extension services to small growers are lower in quality than those provided to contract growers. More aggressive and efficient extension efforts are needed from government line agency workers. There are urgent needs for transfer of appropriate technology and for regular technical backstopping in conjunction with research programme implementation. Policies are needed to encourage expansion of domestic production, to promote supply and price stability, to provide incentives to small farmers, to promote efficiency in marketing and to protect consumers.