
Relation of chilling stress to polyamines in zucchini squash.

Wang, C. Y.;

Acta Horticulturae Year: 1993 Issue: No. 343 Pages: 288-289 Ref: 7 ref.



Relation of chilling stress to polyamines in zucchini squash.

Postharvest treatments which reduce chilling injury (temperature conditioning and low O2 storage) in zucchini squash were found to increase endogenous levels of polyamines. Exogenous treatment with polyamines by pressure infiltration has been shown to increase the tolerance of squash to chilling injury. The development of chilling injury symptoms progressed rapidly in squash (Cucurbita pepo cv. Ambassador) fruits after 3 days in air storage at 2.5 deg C. Severe pitting and slight decay were observed after 12 days of exposure to low temperature. Both low O2 storage (1% O2) and temperature conditioning (2 days at 10 deg followed by storage at 2.5 deg ) treatments were effective in delaying the development of chilling injury symptoms. Fruits stored under 1% O2 maintained higher levels of spermidine and spermine than those stored in air. Temperature conditioning also significantly increased spermidine and spermine levels. Tissue spermine levels in fruits treated with exogenous spermine increased more than 2-fold. The results indicate that high polyamine levels are positively correlated with the ability of squash fruits to withstand chilling stress.