
Characterization of fruit exudate on the chilling injury of cucumber fruits.

Cabrera, R. M.; Saltveit, M. E.;

Acta Horticulturae Year: 1993 Issue: No. 343 Pages: 290-292 Ref: 8 ref.



Characterization of fruit exudate on the chilling injury of cucumber fruits.

Chilling sensitivity of 13 cucumber cultivars and lines was evaluated. Cucumbers were cut transversely and exudates were collected on filter paper for determination of FW, DW, % solids and electrical conductivity in fruits kept for 8 days at 12.5 deg C (non-chilled) or 2.5 deg (chilled). The results were compared with conventional methods of measuring sensitivity to chilling injury i.e. pitting, decay, respiration rate, ethylene production and ACC oxidase activity. Fresh and dry exudates ranged from 92 to 164 mg and 3.4 to 11 mg, respectively. % Solids (ranging from 1.8-11%) were higher in more resistant cucumber lines. The highest electrical conductivity of 60 micro S/cm was observed in a cultivar (Poinsett 76) with greater susceptibility to chilling injury. Exudate FW was highly correlated with conductivity in non-chilled and chilled fruits. The highest fresh exudate weight and the exudate with high conductivity were obtained in the 2 cultivars with the highest pitting scores i.e. MDR 1 and Poinsett 76. The amount of exudate was highly correlated with pitting, decay and % ion leakage after 10 days of chilling. The results indicate that cucumber fruit exudate can provide some information on the susceptibility of the fruit to chilling injury.