
Surfactant for postharvest control of diapausing twospotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch on apples.

Dentener, P. R., Peetz, S. M. and Maindonald, J. H.

Proceedings of the Forty Sixth New Zealand Plant Protection Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 10-12 August 1993 Year: 1993 Pages: 166-170 Ref: 4 ref.



Surfactant for postharvest control of diapausing twospotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch on apples.

The effect of immersion time in dilute Pulse (an organosilicone adjuvant), and waiting time before rinsing with water, on mortality of diapausing Tetranychus urticae was determined in the laboratory at 20 deg C, 80% RH and LD 16:8. Mites were held on double-sided tape placed on apples. Increasing immersion time from 5 to 21 min and/or increasing the waiting time from 1 to 9 min reduced the concn of Pulse needed to achieve 99% mortality from 2 to 1.4%. With long waiting times (4-8 h), the 99% mortality level for 1- and 5-min immersion times was achieved at concn below 1.5%.