
Seasonal changes in the carbohydrate content of two cultivars of asparagus.

Pressman, E.; Schaffer, A. A.; Compton, D.; Zamski, E.;

Scientia Horticulturae Year: 1993 Vol: 53 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 149-155 Ref: 6 ref.



Seasonal changes in the carbohydrate content of two cultivars of asparagus.

The annual changes in carbohydrate content were studied in the roots of asparagus cultivars UC 157 and Junon grown in the relatively mild winter climate of Israel. During the autumn (Aug.-Nov.) when the ferns senesced and during the subsequent winter dormant season (Nov.-Feb.) the roots were characterized by a constant and significant decrease in fructan content in both cultivars, contributing to a loss of >30% of the stored fructans. During the postharvest period of fern growth, as the unharvested ferns developed and expanded, the root fructan content declined to its lowest levels. Following this, there was a sharp and continuous increase in root fructan content, as well as a transient increase in sucrose content for the following 3 summer months (May-Aug.). The general pattern of root carbohydrate changes was similar in the 2 cultivars, although there were differences of possible physiological significance.