
Effects of temperature, vapour pressure deficit and radiation on infectivity of conidia of Botrytis cinerea and on susceptibility of gerbera petals.

Kerssies, A.;

European Journal of Plant Pathology Year: 1994 Vol: 100 Issue: 2 Pages: 123-136 Ref: 19 ref.



Effects of temperature, vapour pressure deficit and radiation on infectivity of conidia of Botrytis cinerea and on susceptibility of gerbera petals.



A study was undertaken of the factors affecting postharvest susceptibility of Gerbera flowers to B. cinerea. In vitro, the fungus germinated and grew between 5 and 30 deg C. In climate chamber experiments, the fungus produced more lesions on Gerbera flowers at 20 and 25 deg than at 10 and 15 deg . Significantly more (Pless than or equal to 0.05) conidia were infective at a vapour pressure deficit (VPD) of 200 Pa than of 800 Pa, whereas the susceptibility of the flowers did not differ significantly between the 2 VPD levels. In the greenhouse, conidia lost their infectivity during spring and summer at high levels of radiation, temp. and VPD. High radiation levels did not affect the susceptibility of the flowers. In summer, the flowers were more susceptible to the fungus because of high temp., the only factor to have a significant effect on susceptibility, but this was counteracted by the negative effect of radiation on the conidia. Thus the numbers of lesions in spring and summer were lower than i

n other seasons, in spite of the presence of high numbers of B. cinerea spores. The effect of temp. on the susceptibility of Gerbera flowers was explained by changes in water status in the petals.