
Costs of building a new potato store.

Schindler, M.;

Kartoffelbau Year: 1994 Vol: 45 Issue: 6 Pages: 248-250



Costs of building a new potato store.



The total cost and the annual fixed costs of building and equipping a potato store with 1499 cubic metres of usable storage space is calculated. This is estimated to be sufficient to store the harvest from 21-30 ha depending on yield levels (500 dt/ha-350 dt/ha). Total costs amount to DM 489 000 or DM 466/t and annual costs, allowing for depreciation over 30 years, interest charges and repairs, amount to DM 43 032 or DM 41.02/t. Break even calculations then indicate that such an investment would only be viable if a postharvest producer price of above 11 DM/dt can be expected for unsorted potatoes or a February price of over DM 20.50 for sorted potatoes. German experience over recent years was that this was mostly, though not always, the case.