
A survey of South Carolina cotton fields for plant-parasitic nematodes.

Martin, S. B.; Mueller, J. D.; Saunders, J. A .; Jones, W. I.;

Plant Disease Year: 1994 Vol: 78 Issue: 7 Pages: 717-719 Ref: 13 ref.



A survey of South Carolina cotton fields for plant-parasitic nematodes.



Approximately 5% of the cotton hectarage in each of 16 counties in South Carolina was sampled in a postharvest survey of 1219 cotton fields during 1989-1992. Eleven species of plant-parasitic nematodes were recovered from soil samples. Hoplolaimus columbus, Meloidogyne spp., and Rotylenchulus reniformis were recovered from 61, 25 and 12%, resp., of samples. H. columbus and Meloidogyne spp. were found in all 16 counties, but R. reniformis was found in only 11. Populations of H. columbus were in excess of damage thresholds in 37% of fields, of Meloidogyne spp. in 7% of fields, and of R. reniformis in 3% of fields. Belonolaimus longicaudatus was recovered from fewer than 1% of sampled fields. Concomitant populations of H. columbus, Meloidogyne spp., and R. reniformis were detected infrequently.