
Effect of hot-air and hot-water treatments of papaya fruits on fruit quality and incidence of diseases.

Nishijima, W. T.;

Acta Horticulturae Year: 1995 Issue: No. 370 Pages: 121-128 Ref: 15 ref.



Effect of hot-air and hot-water treatments of papaya fruits on fruit quality and incidence of diseases.



Heat treatments have been used for disinfestation of fruit flies and the control of postharvest diseases on papaya [pawpaws] since 1939. Forced air dry heat (FADH) or vapour heat (VH) treatments are currently used in the US. Both treatments take c. 6 hours of gradually increasing temp. and are completed when the fruit internal temp. reaches 47.2 deg C. VH differs from FADH only by the 100% RH during the last phase of treatment. Neither of the treatments was designed for controlling diseases although both provide some level of disease control. VH has been demonstrated to give slightly better disease control than FADH and fruit quality is comparable. The double hot-water dip (42 deg for 30 min followed by 49 deg for 20 min) quarantine treatment used in Hawaii from 1984 to 1992 also controlled postharvest diseases well but fruit quality suffered because fruit was required to be harvested at the mature-green stage and the treatment created severe stress. Double-dipped fruits often had hard flesh, ir

regular ripening, scald and infection by Guignardia sp. and other fungi. The single hot-water dip (49 deg for 15 min) is the opt. heat treatment for disease control of pawpaw diseases with min. detrimental impact on fruit quality. The additional disease control provided by a single hot-water dip before or after FADH or VH is about the same level as that provided by postharvest applications of the fungicide thiabendazole applied to FADH or VH treated pawpaws.