
Residues of benomyl on and in fresh and canned peaches following treatments to control storage decay.

Lentza-Rizos, C.; Chitzanidis, A.;

Annales de l'Institut Phytopathologique Benaki Year: 1995 Vol: 17 Issue: 2 Pages: 121-130 Ref: 15 ref.



Residues of benomyl on and in fresh and canned peaches following treatments to control storage decay.



Clingstone peaches (cv. Andros) were pre- and postharvest treated with benomyl to control postharvest decay due to Monilia cinerea [Monilinia laxa] and Botrytis cinerea. The fruits, after fungicide application, were stored in a cold room, then canned. Samples of fresh and processed fruits were analysed for benomyl residues (determined and expressed as carbendazim). Residues in preharvest treated fruits at the recommended application rate (0.03% a.i.) with a preharvest interval of 24 d were in the order of 0.50 mg/kg. After postharvest application (0.05% a.i.) the concn increased to 3-10 mg/kg. Cold storage (4 deg C) for 20 d did not affect residue concn. Peeling by boiling with alkali resulted in 96-99% reduction. Cans contained either not detectable residues or low concn ranging from 0.02 mg/kg (limit of detection) to 0.05 mg/kg.