Trials to improve the quality of Strelitzia reginae Ait. flowers after cutting.
El-Saka, M., Awad, A. E., Fahmy, B. and Dowh, A. K.
Postharvest physiology, pathology and technologies for horticultural commodities: recent advances. Proceedings of an international symposium held at Agadir, Morocco, 16-21 January 1994. Year: 1995 Pages: 480-488 Ref: 21 ref.
Dipping stem bases of S. reginae flowers in STS [silver thiosulfate] (1:4 mM) for 10 minutes, pulsing them in GA at 25 p.p.m. overnight then keeping them in a solution containing 10% sucrose + 200 mg 8-HQPS + 150 mg citric acid/litre (pH 3.6) gave the best quality and extended vase-life (38.5 days) and floret opening (100%) compared with controls (15.5 days and 40%, respectively). STS inhibited the production and action of ethylene in flowers and the growth of bacteria in vascular tissue. Application of GA delayed floret senescence and increased petal size. Sucrose as the exogenous carbohydrate source was necessary for growth and development, although it reduced the uptake of the vase water. Adding 8-HQPS to the vase water had an anti-microbial effect. Adding citric acid to the vase water enhanced the effectiveness of 8-HQPS. The reduction in FW of cut flowers began mainly 12 days after treatments.