
Persistence of heat shock proteins in heated tomato fruit and the resistance to chilling injury of the fruit.

Sabehat, A.; Weiss, D.; Lurie, S.;

Acta Horticulturae Year: 1995 Issue: No. 398 Pages: 11-21 Ref: 26 ref.



Postharvest respiration in Golden Delicious apples as a function of environmental PO2 and PCO2.



Fruits were stored at room temperature (21 deg C) in a controlled atmosphere (Ptot = PO2 + PCO2 + PN2; 0 < PCO2 < 75 kPa); the composition of the gas inside the storage compartment was automatically monitored by GC to ensure a constant gas composition. Excess CO2 was removed by an aqueous Ba(OH)2 solution and was replenished with pure O2. When the amount of CO2 produced by respiration was completely absorbed, the associated loss of pressure was automatically compensated for by the addition of a calculated volume of pure O2. The amount of O2 replenished gave a measure of the respiration rate. Fermentation rate was calculated from the difference between the rates of CO2 produced and of O2 consumed. The results showed that there was no fermentation and no PO2 effect in the PO2 range utilized (7 < PO2 < 35 kPa). There was a slight decrease in the respiration rate with increasing PCO2 and there was no significant change in the morphological and organoleptic characteristics of the fruits.