
The effects of morphology, maturity and cultivar on the ripening and susceptibility of plantains (AAB) to mechanical damage.

Ferris, R. S. B., Wainwright, H. and Thompson, A. K.

Fruits (Paris) Year: 1995 Vol: 50 Issue: 2 Pages: 101-107 Ref: 21 ref.



The effects of morphology, maturity and cultivar on the ripening and susceptibility of plantains (AAB) to mechanical damage.


Plantains (Musa sp.) are an important staple food crop grown in the lowland humid tropics of sub-sahara Africa. Mechanical damage is considered to be a major factor contributing towards losses during transportation and retailing, and can range from 20 to 80%. The effects of impaction, abrasion and incision damage on the ripening of 3 cultivars (Ubok Iba (True Horn), Agbagba (False Horn) and Obino l'Ewai (French plantain)), harvested at 2 stages (fully mature and immature), were investigated. The effect of damage on ripening indicated differences in cultivar response. Abrasion of immature fruits caused the greatest reduction in ripening period; Agbagba and Obino l'Ewai were more susceptible to abrasion than Ubok Iba which was most susceptible to incision. It is suggested that ripening was accelerated by different mechanisms of climacteric initiation.