
Open storage of soybean seed in Mississippi.

Cabrera, E. R.; Lansakara, H.;

Technical Bulletin - Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Year: 1995 Issue: No. 204 Pages: 8 pp. Ref: 12 ref.



Open storage of soybean seed in Mississippi.


Seed of soyabeans cv. Davis harvested 7 months previously were stored in bags in a warehouse under ambient conditions at Mississippi State between June 1986 and June 1987. Fluctuations in ambient warehouse temperatures closely followed outside fluctuations but were lesser in magnitude. There were no significant differences in temperature of the stacked bags. Average maximum seed temperatures were closer to average outside ambient temperatures than were average minimum seed temperatures. A multiple regression equation was developed to predict monthly average ambient outside air maximum and minimum temperatures. Seed moisture content fluctuated with seasonal changes in relative humidity and temperature. Greater fluctuations were observed in seeds at the top than at the middle or bottom of the stacks of bags. Seed moisture content was lower in June, July and Aug. and higher during the rest of the year. Seed germination declined drastically over the period which represents the last 12 months of a ty

pical 19-month carryover period from 82-75% to 29-20%. Germination of seeds at the top of the stack was significantly higher than that of seeds from either the middle or bottom of the stack. This was attributed to the lower moisture content of seeds on the top of the stack during the warmer months in spite of the effects of the high temperature in that part of the stack during the summer. It was suggested that under the climatic conditions of Mississippi, soyabean seeds should be stored under controlled environments to maintain seed quality.