
Farm size and non traditional exports: determinants of participation in world markets.

Collins, J. L.;

World Development (Oxford) Year: 1995 Vol: 23 Issue: 7 Pages: 1103-1114 Ref: 24 ref.



Farm size and non traditional exports: determinants of participation in world markets.


The paper examines irrigated grape production by small and large farms in the Sao Francisco Valley (Bahia/Pernambuco) of Northeastern Brazil. It argues that while small farms have lower costs in producing these non-traditional export crops, they are vulnerable because they do not have secure access to postharvest transport and marketing services. The paper also argues that large grape firms have been able to maintain a dominant presence in export grape production because of the presence of a large supply of labour (largely female) and because of weak labour legislation which allows them to reduce the cost of labour in various ways.