
Farmers' priorities for new sorghum and pearl millet varieties based on on-farm trials in semi-arid Tanzania.

Holtland, G.;

Drought-tolerant crops for southern Africa. Proceedings of the SADC/ICRISAT Regional Sorghum and Pearl Millet Workshop, Gaborone, Botswana, 25-29 July 1994.



Farmers' priorities for new sorghum and pearl millet varieties based on on-farm trials in semi-arid Tanzania.

In the 1993/94 cropping season the Mvumi Rural Training Centre (MRTC) conducted on-farm trials with new sorghum and pearl millet varieties in cooperation with the Ilonga research station and the SADC/ICRISAT Sorghum and Millet Improvement Program. Postharvest aspects were tested on-station. Taste preferences and farmers' priorities for further breeding were identified through discussions in selected villages. All new sorghum varieties have poor postharvest qualities. Based on field observations, farmers liked SDS2293-6 most. SV1 was too similar to the introduced variety Tegemeo to be of interest. Pearl millet variety TSPM91018 was successful, outyielding other varieties by more than one-third and having good postharvest characters. TSPM91001 was too similar to the local variety to be of interest. In general, improved pearl millet varieties merit high research priority because of the importance of the crop and the lack of postharvest and marketing problems. New and available pearl millet varietie

s would be an incentive for farmers to further improve the management of their crops. The pure seeds needed could be produced by the MRTC in cooperation with research staff.