
The impact of high humidity atmospheres on the transmission properties of horticultural packaging.

Gozukara, M. Y., Corrigan, P. A. and Christie, G. B.

Proceedings of the Australasian postharvest horticulture conference 'Science and technology for the fresh food revolution', Melbourne, Australia, 18-22 September, 1995. Year: 1996 Pages: 175-180 Ref: 11 ref.



The impact of high humidity atmospheres on the transmission properties of horticultural packaging.

This paper discusses the relevance of commonly used permeability measurement techniques with respect to the design of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP). A measurement technique has been developed at CSIRO that allows measurement of the conditions commonly found in MAP. Of particular importance is the humidity level, usually close to 100% inside MA packages. This technique was used to measure the permeability of a range of films currently used for packaging of salads and fresh-cut vegetables in Australia and overseas. The Australian films were considerably less permeable than those from elsewhere, increasing the risk of anaerobic package atmospheres.