
The occurrence of black spot on papayas.

Schroeder, L.;

Inligtingsbulletin - Instituut vir Tropiese en Subtropiese Gewasse Year: 1996 Issue: No. 289 Pages: 11-13 Ref: 6 ref.



The occurrence of black spot on papayas.

Black spot disease of pawpaws is caused by Asperisporium caricae. Infected fruit are more prone to postharvest pathogens, decay more rapidly and have a shorter shelf life. Conidia of A. caricae are dispersed by air, wind and rain. The disease first appears as small speckles on older leaves. These increase in size and become velvety black in colour. On fruit, the initial symptoms are small water-soaked lesions which also become velvety black and may reach 1 cm in diam. Control of the disease can be achieved by spraying with mancozeb.