
Fungi associated with storage decay of sweet potatoes in India.

Ray, R. C.; Misra, R. S.; Balagopalan, C.;

Tropical tuber crops: problems, prospects and future strategies. Year: 1996 Pages: 491-501 Ref: 10 ref.



Fungi associated with storage decay of sweet potatoes in India.

From a local market survey and a storage experiment in the laboratory of Regional Centre of CTCRI, Bhubaneswar, India, several fungi and bacteria were isolated from decaying sweet potato tubers under ambient temperature (30 deg plus or minus 2 deg C) and relative humidity (70-95%). These species were common storage fungi belonging to the genera Rhizopus, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Penicillium and Botryodiplodia and 2 bacteria. However, Aspergillus (A. niger, A. oryzae and A. flavus) were mostly secondary invaders and could not repeat the decay when inoculated into fresh and healthy tubers. Rhizopus decay (soft-rot caused by R. oryzae) was prolific and more prevalent following kharif (RH, 80-95%) than in rabi season (RH 70-85%). B. theobromae was the common storage fungus causing java black rot and was severe in both kharif and rabi. Fusarium rot was of moderate intensity and the causal agent was F. oxysporum. Pathogenicity tests confirmed the susceptibility of sweet potatoes to these pathogens. Furt

her, these storage fungi had a wide host specificity ranging from Amorphophallus, cassava and Colocasia to white yams.