
Dextran formation during sugar manufacture - present status and future prospects.

Johary, P. C.; Sinha, R. R.;

Proceedings of the 59th Annual Convention of the Sugar Technologists' Association of India, Goa, India, 26th to 28th September 1997. Year: 1997 Pages: M137-M149 Ref: 16 ref.



Dextran formation during sugar manufacture - present status and future prospects.

The origin of dextran is explained and the advisability of minimizing its entry into the sugar factory rather than having to hydrolyse it with dextranase is emphasized; sugar losses associated with dextran contents in sugarcane juices and financial penalties for dextran in raw sugar are indicated. Studies on deterioration of cut cane for 5 days in cold (4-10 deg C), normal (28-32 deg ) and hot (40-45 deg ) conditions are reported, and conclusions are drawn about dextran formation rates and maximum times to be allowed between harvesting and crushing. Sulfitation and carbonatation white sugars were found to contain 7.5-87.5 ppm dextran, with no obvious distinction between them and no specific relationship between dextran content and ICUMSA colour. Specific aspects of dextran formation and removal are proposed for further study.