
Water vapor resistance of red delicious apples and celery sticks coated with edible caseinate-acetylated monoglyceride films.

Avena Bustillos, R. de J., Krochta, J. M. and Saltveit, M. E.

Journal of Food Science Year: 1997 Vol: 62 Issue: 2 Pages: 351-354 Ref: 23 ref.



Water vapor resistance of red delicious apples and celery sticks coated with edible caseinate-acetylated monoglyceride films.

An optimum caseinate-acetylated monoglyceride edible coating consisting of 1.5% Alanate-310 (a calcium caseinate) and 1.5% Myvacet-5-07 (an acetylated monoglyceride) was used to coat apples [Malus domestica] and celery [Apium graveolens] sticks. The coating produced a 75% reduction in moisture loss from celery sticks, but had no significant effect on apples. However, since apples have a natural high resistance to water vapour, edible coatings did not decrease water loss from whole fruit. Edible coatings did not modify respiration or ethylene production by apples or celery sticks. It is concluded that the quality of minimally-processed fruits and vegetables that are susceptible to water loss could be improved by edible coatings, but that the quality of commodities with high water vapour resistance would not.