
Overview of "bumper car" disease-impact on the North American lobster fishery.

Cawthorn, R. J.;

International Journal for Parasitology Year: 1997 Vol: 27 Issue: 2 Pages: 167-172 Ref: 27 ref.



Overview of "bumper car" disease-impact on the North American lobster fishery.

"Bumper car" disease in American lobsters (Homarus americanus) is reviewed. The disease, caused by Anophryoides haemophila, can cause significant post-harvest losses in lobsters held in cold water impoundments. Epidemics now occur more frequently and with greater severity but the epidemiology and economic impacts of the disease are not well documented. A. haemophila is easily maintained in a cell-free, chemically-defined, seawater-based medium at 5 deg C. Cultured ciliates require longer and more parasites are needed to kill lobsters than those transmitted by intrahaemocoelic injection from lobster-to-lobster. The pathogenesis of the disease is unknown. Horizontal transmission could occur across the thin cuticle of gills or via wounds in the exoskeleton present during moulting. Because the ciliates are initially sequestered in lobster tissues for an extended period, they are detectable earlier by histological examination than by direct examination or culture of haemolymph. Indirect fluorescent a

ntibody testing, immunoperoxidase staining and oligonucleotide probes have been used to detect A. haemophila. The ciliates sequester in gill, heart and muscle tissues. Several disinfectants (formalin, chloramine-T and low salinity dips) and drugs licenced for veterinary use in food-producing animals (monensin and pyrimethamine + sulfaquinoxaline) are effective in vitro against A. haemophila. A definition of healthy versus ciliate-infected lobsters is being prepared, based on haematology and haemolymph chemistry.