
Modelling and predicting the postharvest behaviour of fresh vegetables.

Linke, M.;

Mathematical and control applications in agriculture and horticulture. Proceedings of the 3rd IFAC workshop, Hannover, Germany, 28 September-2 October 1997. Year: 1997, publ. 1998 Pages: 283-288 Ref: 10 ref.



Modelling and predicting the postharvest behaviour of fresh vegetables.

The aim of this study was to measure a produce property that represents the effects of different preharvest conditions. Tissue resistance in the water vapour pathway describes the initial state of the produce and is at the same time an input variable for a simple model for predicting keeping quality. The main component of this model is an overall area-related transpiration coefficient comprising the tissue resistance. Considering different preharvest conditions a combination of measuring and modelling is presented in order to explain different postharvest behaviour under identical postharvest conditions. The required pre-conditions, assumptions and calculations are explained using radishes as an example.