
Almond anthracnose in California-a new pre- and post-harvest fungal disease outbreak.

Adaskaveg, J. E.; Forster, H.; Hartin, R. J.; Connell, J. H.; Teviotdale, B.; Duncan, R.;

Acta Horticulturae Year: 1998 Issue: No. 470 Pages: 553-561 Ref: 13 ref.



Almond anthracnose in California-a new pre- and post-harvest fungal disease outbreak.

In spring 1995 a serious outbreak of almond anthracnose was observed in the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys of California, USA. The causal fungus was isolated and identified as Colletotrichum acutatum and its pathogenicity was confirmed. The disease caused pre- and postharvest crop losses by infecting the fruit and kernels and caused indirect losses by causing shoot and branch dieback of trees. Of 9 fungicides tested propiconazole and tebuconazole gave the best control in laboratory tests.