
Evaluation of post-harvest performance of naranjilla (Solanum quitoense Lam.) fruits packed under modified atmosphere

Arango, H., Vaillant, F., Velez, C., Millan, P. and Reynes, M.

Fruits (Paris) Year: 1999 Vol: 54 Issue: 4 Pages: 261-270.



Evaluation of post-harvest performance of naranjilla (Solanum quitoense Lam.) fruits packed under modified atmosphere.

Physicochemical characteristics of S. quitoense fruits between harvest and senescence were assessed during storage at 25 deg C to determine the optimum stage for consumption. To evaluate simple handling systems for the storage of unripe fruits, a number of experiments were carried out under modified atmospheres, using polyethylene bags of varying gas permeabilities, in the presence of an ethylene absorber under refrigerated conditions. The climacteric behaviour of the fruits was studied, revealing a postharvest increase in respiration rate, reaching a peak of 28 mg CO2 kg-1 h-1. Physiologically mature fruits could be maintained green for 9 days in good condition at ambient temperature in a sealed polyethylene bag of high gas permeability, or for 15 days if an ethylene absorber was added, 25 days if stored at 7.5 deg C and 50 days if the 3 methods were combined. It is recommended that to increase the shelf life of naranjilla, fruits for the local market should be packed in high permeability plast

ic film, while refrigeration at 7.5 deg C or addition of an ethylene absorber should be used if a longer storage period is required for foreign markets.