
Post-harvest resistance of peach (Prunus persica cv. Biuti) to Monilinia fructicola: induction of biochemical responses throuth the application of CaCl2 at the site of the injury.

Souza, A. L. B. de; Chitarra, M. I. F.; Chitarra, A. B.; Machado, J. da C.;

Ciencia e Agrotecnologia Year: 1999 Vol: 23 Issue: 4 Pages: 865-875 Ref: 38 ref.



Post-harvest resistance of peach (Prunus persica cv. Biuti) to Monilinia fructicola: induction of biochemical responses throuth the application of CaCl2 at the site of the injury.


Peaches (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch cv. Biuti), obtained from Santa Rita de Caldas, in the southern region of the State of Minas Gerais (Brazil), were harvested at the physiological maturation state, in order to evaluate the effect of sodium chloride (CaCl2) on the resistance to Monilinia fructicola. The results indicated that M. fructicola infection induced an increase of enzymatic activity, while calcium application reduced the enzyme levels, and increased the levels of neutral sugars. It also reduced the degree of cell wall pectin esterification, reduced brown rotting by 34.33% and the disease index by 29% as compared with control fruits.