
Effect of ethylene, sucrose and benzyladenine on leaf senescence of two chrysanthemum cultivars 'Tara' and 'Boaldi'.

Reyes-Arribas, T.; Barrett, J. E.; Nell, T. A.; Clark, D. G.;

Acta Horticulturae Year: 2000 Issue: No. 518 Pages: 125-129 Ref: 21 ref.



Effect of ethylene, sucrose and benzyladenine on leaf senescence of two chrysanthemum cultivars 'Tara' and 'Boaldi'.

Exogenous ethylene accelerated the decline of chlorophyll in detached leaves of Tara, a yellowing chrysanthemum cultivar, and chlorosis was evident one day after exposure to 100 micro l ethylene/litre for 3 days. Detached leaves of Boaldi, a non-yellowing cultivar, were insensitive to ethylene treatment. Sucrose (1%) and benzyladenine (50 mg/litre) delayed the loss of chlorophyll in Tara and had no effect in Boaldi.