
The postharvest handling system for melon in Northwestern China - status, problems, and prospects.

Chen Nianlai; An Li; Ma Keqi;

Postharvest handling of fresh vegetables. Proceedings of a workshop held in Beijing, China, 9-11 May 2001



The postharvest handling system for melon in Northwestern China - status, problems, and prospects.

Muskmelon production is an important source of income for farmers in northwestern China, especially those in desert regions. However, the application of postharvest handling techniques to the crop is far from adequate, resulting in substantial losses in quality and quantity of commodity. Weight loss is directly related to diseases promoted by inadequate postharvest treatments. Quality loss is caused primarily by improper handling practices along the chain from harvesting to retailing. Problems exist in almost all procedures. The application of postharvest technology to the handling of fresh fruits and vegetables in China is still underdeveloped. Cost is considered to be the major obstacle preventing the wider utilization of available postharvest techniques. In this paper, we overview the present situation, the problems that exist, and the prospects for developing and applying postharvest handling techniques to melons in China, reporting on our research

work in ACIAR-supported small project number PHT/1996/152.