
Effect of salicylic acid on shelf life of broccoli.

Wu Ping; Li Wu;

Postharvest handling of fresh vegetables. Proceedings of a workshop held in Beijing, China, 9-11 May 2001



Effect of salicylic acid on shelf life of broccoli.

Salicylic acid (SA) solution was tested as an ethylene inhibitor in broccoli. Broccoli was immersed in 0 to 2 g/litre SA solutions for 10 minutes, stored at 10 deg C and changes in colour, and in content of soluble protein and sugar were determined. Low-concentration SA dips (0-0.5 g/litre) delayed yellowing of broccoli, but immersion at high concentrations (2 g/litre) had no benefit on increasing shelf life. However, the effect of SA in low concentration was not statistically significant.