
Peaches harvested at advanced ripening stage: postharvest treatments for maintaining quality.

Tonutti, P., Pagni, S., Ramina, A., Rasori, A. and Bonghi, C.

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 553: 671-672.



Peaches harvested at advanced ripening stage: postharvest treatments for maintaining quality.

The effects of a short-term ultra low oxygen (ULO) postharvest treatments on white (WF) and yellow flesh peach cultivars harvested at an advanced ripening stage were investigated. Intermediate (cultivars Belfiore, WF; and Summered YF) and late (cultivars T. Zuliani, WF; and Fayette, YF) ripening peaches were harvested at firmness values in the range 40-50 N. After harvest, fruits were maintained in ULO for 48 h at 20 deg C. WF cultivars showed a more rapid reduction in flesh firmness compared to YF cultivars. ULO treatments strongly reduced the softening rate. Endo beta -1,4-glucanase activity was reduced by ULO in Belfiore and T. Zuliani.