
Tackling black mould and thrips. Part one: Effect of topping and storage on thrips and black mould in onions.

Jamieson, L.; Chhagan, A.; Stevens, P.; Tyson, J. L.; Fullerton, R. A.;




Tackling black mould and thrips. Part one: Effect of topping and storage on thrips and black mould in onions.

The effect of timing and method of topping on the incidence of thrips and black mould (caused by Aspergillus niger) in onions at harvest and during different storage regimes was investigated. The topping treatments were: onions lifted green and unclipped; lifted green and hand-clipped; lifted green and machine-topped; lifted 50% dry and unclipped; lifted 50% dry and machine-topped; and lifted 100% dry. The storage treatments were: up to 60 days ambient temperature; 30 days high temperature and high humidity (30 deg C/>90% RH); 60 days high temperature and high humidity (30 deg C/>90% RH); 30 days ambient+30 days high temperature and high humidity (thrips only); and simulated shipping. It is concluded that onions that are hand-clipped are at risk of higher thrip infestations. In addition, the longer onions are left in the field, the higher the risk of skin defects that can lead to thrip and black mould infestations. The incidence of bulbs with black mould spores tended to increase over the harvest period, most markedly in the midseason harvested crop. The trials did not show any consistent effect of topping method on black mould development in storage. There was, however, a consistent effect of postharvest storage treatments on the incidence of black mould.