
Influence of oxygen concentration on respiration and oxygen partial pressure in tissue of broccoli and cucumber.

Praeger, U. and Weichmann, J.

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 553: 679-681.



Influence of oxygen concentration on respiration and oxygen partial pressure in tissue of broccoli and cucumber.

Carbon dioxide production by crowns of broccoli cv. Emperor and fruits of cucumber cv. Tyria was measured continuously at 2 temperatures (10 and 20 deg C) and 6 different oxygen concentrations (0, 0.5, 1, 5, 10 and 21%) during 24 h. Carbon dioxide production by cucumber and broccoli decreased as the oxygen concentration of the atmosphere decreased to 0.5%. At 0% oxygen, carbon dioxide production of cucumber increased because of anaerobic respiration, while that of broccoli maintained the same carbon dioxide level as that in 0.5% oxygen.