
Effect of wet storage on postharvest life and flower quality of cut roses.

Palanikumar, S. and Bhattacharjee, S. K.

Journal of Ornamental Horticulture (New Series). Volume 4, Number 2, 2001. Pages 87-90.



Effect of wet storage on postharvest life and flower quality of cut roses.

Cut rose cultivars Golden Giant, Raktagandha and Queen Elizabeth were stored for 3, 4, 5 and 6 days under 4 deg C and 1, 2, 3 and 4 days under 8 deg C. Wet stored cut flowers, irrespective of the cultivars and temperature, showed increased fresh and dry weights after storage. In general, under 4 deg C, the six-day stored flowers and under 8 deg C wet stored cut flowers, irrespective of the cultivars and temperature, showed increased fresh and dry weights after storage. In general, under 4 deg C, the six-day stored flowers and under 8 deg C the three-day stored flowers recorded maximum fresh and dry weight after storage. At senescence, however, all the wet stored flowers recorded less fresh and dry weights as compared to weight taken immediately after storage. Among the different cultivars, Raktagandha gave maximum vase life of 10.0 days under 4 deg C after three days storage and 8.5 days under 8 deg C after one day storage. Prolonged storage period reduced water uptake, flower diameter and vase life of the cut roses irrespective of the cultivars and storage temperatures in general. It can be concluded that under 4 deg C the cut roses can be stored for a maximum of five days and under 8 deg C the cut roses can be stored for a maximum of two days without affecting their ultimate keeping quality in the vase at ambient temperature.