
Suppression of postharvest softening of forcing-cultured Tonewase Japanese persimmon by packaging in improved carton boxes.

Harima, S., Nakano, R., Yamauchi, S., Kubo, Y., Inaba, A. and Kitano, Y.

Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science, 2002, Vol. 71, No. 4.Page 583-587.



Suppression of postharvest softening of forcing-cultured 'Tonewase' Japanese persimmon by packaging in improved carton boxes.

To establish a suitable package that can suppress rapid postharvest softening of forcing-cultured 'Tonewase' Japanese persimmon, the performance of carton boxes coated with a water-impervious material was investigated under experimental and commercial distribution conditions. Packaging fruits in improved carton boxes kept relative humidity above 70%, effectively reduced weight loss, delayed ethylene induction, and suppressed fruit softening under experimental and commercial conditions, compared to those shipped in conventional carton boxes.