
Role of ethylene inhibitors on postharvest management of fresh produce

Chris B. Watkins and William B. Miller

Proceedings of the APEC symposium on postharvest handling systems Bangkok, Thailand September 1-3, 2003. p. 105



Role of ethylene inhibitors on postharvest management of fresh produce  1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) is an inhibitor of ethylene perception by plants tissues that is available for use o­n edible and ornamental horticultural products. Following the registration of EthylblocTM for use o­n ornamental products, the recent registration of 1-MCP in many countries for sue o­n apples and other fruit as SmartFreshTM represents an exciting new era for the ability of industries to maintain quality of horticultural products in the marketplace. The chemical, applied to products as a gas, is effective at low concentrations, has low toxicity, and o­n residues. A large literature is becoming available o­n the effects of 1-MCP o­n product quality and a regularly updated web site http://ww.hort.cornell.edu/department/faculty/watkins/ethylene/ has been established. For edible products, commercial use of 1-MCP has been largely restricted to apples and it is necessary to speculate o­n its benefits and limitations under commercial conditions for other fresh products. The effects of cultivar, maturity and ripening, flavor, physiological disorders and disease incidence o­n responses of horticultural products to 1-MCP are reviewed, with emphasis o­n issues related to its commercial implementation.