
Effect of different compounds on the microbial population of cut Shiraz Narcissus vase solution.

Jowkar M.M.

5th International Postharvest Symposium . Volume of Abstract . Verona, Italy 6-11 June 2004. page 17



Effect of different compounds on the microbial population of cut Shiraz Narcissus vase solution.    o­ne of the important factors causing life reduction and cut flower deterioration is the disruption of cut flower water relation due to microorganism growth and proliferation in the vase solution.This experiment was conducted to find the most suitable compound for controlling the microorganism population in the vase solution of cut Shiraz Narcissus cut flowers were exposed to 17 treatments; samples of vase solution were taken at the start of the experiment, 2, 4, and 6 days after placement in the treatments.After decimal dilutions, samples were plated o­n nutrient agar.The number ofmicroorganisms were determined.Treatments were Tap water as control, Sterilized Distilled water, Cirtic acid (150, 300, and 450 mg L-1), 8-Hydroxyquinoline citrate (200, 300, and 400 mg L-1), Calciumhypochlorite (400, 600 and 800 mg L-1), Sodiumhypochlorite (400, 600 and 800 mg L-1), and Aluminiumsulphate (100, 200, and 300 mg L-1).The most effective compound for controlling microbial growth and proliferation were 8-Hydroxyquinoline citrate treatments which did not contain any microbes even after 6 days.After which the 800 mg L-1 Calcium and Sodiumhypochlorite was placed.These two compounds did not contain any microbes until the fourth day.Aluminiumsulphate was the least effective compound.Yeasts were the most spread microorganisms in the cut Shiraz Narcissus vase solution after which Bacillus were placed.Shrinking and browning of the proximal end, bleaching of the soaked part, yellowing and abortion of buds were the side effects of 8 HQC, Sodiumhypochlorite and Aluminiumsulphate treatments respectively.