
Physiological changes of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) in postharvest as affected by preharvest climate conditions.

Schreiner M., Huyskens-Keil S., Krumbein A.

5th International Postharvest Symposium . Volume of Abstract . Verona, Italy 6-11 June 2004,p 41.



Physiological changes of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) in postharvest as affected by preharvest climate conditions.  Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) is worldwide a popular root vegetable which are grown throughout the year under varying climate conditions.In Germany radishes are purchased as a bunched product where leaves serve as a quality indicator for the consumer.The quality attributes like glucosinolates and carbohydrates (storage, transport and structural carbohydrates) determine sensory properties and the postharvest behaviour.These quality characteristics are influenced by the products’ precondition at the time of harvest which are also determined by the climate conditions during the production process.

The present investigations o­n radishes revealed that the predominate preharvest climate parameters such as irradiation and temperature influenced the formation of the quality compounds studied and their postharvest metabolism.This preharvest dependency ranged from a slight climate influence up to a strong climate impact resulting in different harvest qualities and thus in a different postharvest behaviour.

The knowledge of preharvest conditions affecting postharvest physiology as well as being a decision criteria for suitable postharvest treatments is an essential tool for a comprehensive product physiological oriented quality management.