
Rheological properties of tendral melon during traditional storage.

Pintado C.J.M., Albardeiro A.S., Rodrigues F.M.

5th International Postharvest Symposium . Volume of Abstract . Verona, Italy 6-11 June 2004, p.46



Rheological properties of tendral melon during traditional storage.    Tendral melon is wanted for its desert quality and high handling and transport resistance.One of the most critical shelf-life limiting quality factors for melons is textural integrity.The postharvest quality of Tendral melon was evaluated o­n fresh fruit at 25, 50, 75, and 100 days of traditional storage.Important correlations were found between weight loss and rheological parameters recorded o­n compression of the whole fruit, and punction of the skin and flesh.Within the first 25 days of storage firmness (whole fruit, skin and flesh) decreased significantly but remained nearly constant thereafter.Few changes occurred in flesh colour and physico-cheical parameters (pH, titratable acidity) in the last 50 days; there was a slight decrease of the content of soluble solids between 75 and 100 days of storage.This winter melon is noted for its relatively long storage life.