Effect of 1-MCP on avocado quality in relation to membrane integrity, polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase activity.
Hershkovitz V., Feygenberg O., Ben Arie R., Saguy I.S., Pesis E.
5th International Postharvest Symposium . Volume of Abstract . Verona, Italy 6-11 June 2004. 143 p.
Avocado treated with 1-MCP before storing for 4 weeks at 5 °C, resulted in reduced chilling injury symptoms expressed as mesocarp discoloration, and a decreased polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POD) activity.Both PPO and POD activity that initially were quite low in the freshly harvested fruit, increased significantly during the cold storage and thereafter its removal to ambient temperature simulating commercial shelf life conditions.Ethylene action inhibited by 1-MCP, probably prevented the disruption of the cell membranes, which reduced the contact of the PPO enzyme with the phenolic substrates, resulting in a lesser amount of pulpbrowning.
Chilling injury symptoms in the avocado fruit expressed as mesocarp discoloration was found to be correlative with higher EC values.The highest EC values were found in the brown tissue of the midsection part close to the seed, while the lowest EC values were found in the green tissue close to the peel.The data highlight that 1-MCP could be utilized to keep quality of avocado during cold storage and shelf life by reducing ethylene levels, decreasing the oxidative activity, maintaining membrane integrity and inhibition of chilling injury symptoms.