Mechanical harvesting and quality of Marroni.
Monarca K., Cecchini M., antonelli K., Salcini M.C., Massantini R.
5th International Postharvest Symposium . Volume of Abstract . Verona, Italy 6-11 June 2004, p.55
The research has the aim to analyze the effects of the mechanical harvesting on the quality of marroni chestnuts: several laboratory tests were performed to quantify damages (splits, bruises, abrasions), than it estimate the storage of the fruits after the “curatura” treatment.The results show how for fruit marroni chestnut harvest is possible to introduce new models of mechanization capable to effectively reduce the cost without having any consequences on the quality and on the marketability of the picked marroni chestnuts.
The damages consisted mainly of light pericarp abrasions which do not determine the exterior appearance and the quality of the product itself.The average values of percentage of damaged hand picked marroni chestnuts were from 3.6% to 17%, for mechanically harvested marroni chestnuts were from 18.5% to 26% (vacuum machine) and from 20.2% to 45% (mechanical harvester).Marroni chestnuts without petiole ranged from 20% to 22.4% in case of hand picking, from 44% to 63% in case of use of mechanical harvester.The colorimetric analysis on healthy marroni chestnuts taken from the different thesis shows a remarkable similitude, both for the hue angle and the saturation index.