
Differential exposure to field solar radiation and postharvest chilling injury of cantaloupe melons.

Krarup C., Gonzalez R.

5th International Postharvest Symposium . Volume of Abstract . Verona, Italy 6-11 June 2004, p.61



Differential exposure to field solar radiation and postharvest chilling injury of cantaloupe melons.    Sensitivity to chilling injury (CI) of Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis varies from slight to severe, depending o­n cultivar, and limits temperatures to be used during storage depending o­n conservation period.Previous studies in other fruits, including C. melo var. inodorus cb. Honey Dew, have shown a close relationship between exposure to solar radiation in the field and postharvest CI of fruits.In these studies carried out at an intermediate latitude (32° 25’S), the highly sensitive cantalupensis cv. Colima was sown sequentially, from early to late spring, and fruits tagged at anthesis were left uncovered, shaded with a 50% shading mesh or partially covered with sunlight excluding bags.Fruits harvested at different dated during the summer were stored for 14 days at + 1 °C, plus 3 additional days at 20 °C, and rated for CI symptoms.Results demonstrated highly significant effects of incident solar radiation o­n CI expression.Although ratings varied according to total accumulated solar radiation, fruits exposed to direct sunlight showed higher CI and, o­n a given fruit, sun exposed areas were most affected.