
Inhibition of ethylene via different ways affects the LOX, ADH activities, and related volatiles compounds in peach cv. Royal Gem.

Morganti F., Bellincontro A., DeSantis D., Botondi R., Mencarelli F.

5th International Postharvest Symposium . Volume of Abstract . Verona, Italy 6-11 June 2004, p.83



Inhibition of ethylene via different ways affects the LOX, ADH activities, and related volatiles compounds in peach cv. Royal Gem.  Mechanical damage affects the quality of fruit to a large extent and leads to a considerable loss of its commercial value.It is therefore important to understand the mechanical properties of fruit tissue, in order to reduce or avoid damage.Fruit tissue is a complex conglomerate of cells, and its integrity depends o­n the presence of an adhesive middle lamella between individual cells, the cellular turgor pressure, the mechanical properties of the cell wall and the presence of intercellular spaces.Therefore a micromechanical approach is best suited to understand the relative importance of these cellular and histological attributes in the overall mechanical behaviour of the fruits.

As a first step towards the investigation of micromechanical properties of vegetative tissues we selected o­nion epidermal peals as a study object.Onion epidermis consists of o­nly o­ne cell layer and is easy to isolate and manipulate.Cellular turgor pressure of individual cells in the tissue was measure with the cell pressure probe.Techniques were developed for measuring micromechanical properties using a miniature tensile stage mounted under a microscope.Epidermis peels were subjected to tensile tests while the deformation of the individual cells in the tissue was followed and recorded.

Onion epidermal peels were found to produce a biphasic stress/strain curve, as also found for other biological cellular materials.A though investigation of cell structural parameters (dimensions of cells, thickness of the cell wall) in epidermis tissue origination from different o­nion layers was made to investigate the relationship between the measured mechanical properties and these structural characteristics.