
Using scanning electron microscopy for quality evaluation of apples after cold storage

C.J.O. Ribeiro, P. Bandeira-Tavares, E.A.S. Rosa, O. Meireles, and A. Silva

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 682: 2005. pp. 715-722.



Using scanning electron microscopy for quality evaluation of apples after cold storage   Changes in the cuticle, epidermis and pulp of apple fruits are studied after cold storage using scanning electron microscopy. The study makes use of 3 different apple varieties (Golden Delicious, Oregon Spur and Bravo de Esmolfe) subjected to different pre-storage treatments (hot water treatments and calcium chloride solutions). The main objectives concern to: the identification of structural differences among varieties; some explanations for individual behaviour along the storage period; and the relationship between pre-storage treatments and structure and quality evolution of the fruits. The thickness of cuticle and its waxes is quite different (less in Bravo de Esmolfe apples). The extension of cracks in cuticle wax is higher with long term storage than at the beginning of the storage. Heat treatments and calcium application will contribute to quality preservation of apples, particularly reducing fruit softening and diseases incidence.