Image classification of bananas (Musa cavendish) during ripening based on appearance features
Mandoza F. and Aguilera J.M.
5th International Postharvest Symposium . Volume of Abstract . Verona, Italy 6-11 June 2004, p.117
The objectives of this study were: (i) To implement a computer vision system to characterize quantitatively colour changes during ripening of bananas; (ii) To identify features of interest which can be related with the later ripening stages such as development of brown spots and textural features of the images; and (iii) To develop a statistical model to identify the ripening stages of bananas from samples previously classified by expert visual inspection. Nine simple features of appearance: L*a*b* values, brown spots area percentage (%BSA), number of brown spots cm-2 (NBS cm-2) and homogeneity, contrast, correlation and entropy of image texture were evaluated for classification purposes.
Results show that parameters a*, %BSA, NBS cm-2, and contrast better depicted the appearance characteristics as an indicator of banana ripeness. Thus, in spite of the inherent variability of banana samples the proposed computer vision technique combined with a simple classification technique has great potential to differentiate among ripening stages of bananas as professional visual perception. Using L*a*b* bands, %BSA and contrast it was possible to classify 49 banana samples in their seven ripening stages with an accuracy of 98%. Computer vision shows promise for on-line prediction of ripening stages of banana.