
Postharvest use of 1-MCP to extend storage life of melons in Brazil-current research status

Alves R.E.; Filgueiras H.A.C.; Almeida A.S.; Machado F.L.C., Bastos M.S.R. and Lima M.A.C.

5th International Postharvest Symposium . Volume of Abstract . Verona, Italy s6-11 June 2004, p.126



Postharvest use of 1-MCP to extend storage life of melons in Brazil-current research status Efficiency of 1-MCP o­n postharvest life of whole Cantaloup, Galia and Charentais melons and fresh-cut Cantaloupe was evaluated. In order to define the best concentration of 1-MCP, melons were treated withdoses varying from 0 to 900 ppb. Three experiments were carried out under refrigeration: 1) ‘Hy-Mark’ melons treated and stored at 5°C; 2) ‘Hy-Mark’ melons treated under regular and modified atmosphere and stored at 5°C; 3) ‘Solar King’ treated under regular and modified atmosphere and stored at 7°C. Charentais melons were stored for 15 days at ambient temperature. For the experiments with fresh-cut melons, ‘Hy-Mark’ melons were treated with 1-MCP at 10°C, sanitized, hand cut and stored at 5°C. Pulp softening was the main characteristic affected in all experiments. Increasing delay in pulp softening according to the dose was noticed, although differences between doses above 300 ppb were not significant. Respiration and ethylene evolution rates were reduced and both CO2 and ethylene peaks were delayed in trials with whole melons. 1-MCP doubled postharvest life of Cantoloupe melons at ambient temperature (from 1 to 2 weeks). Treated ‘Hy-Mark’ melons were acceptable for 27 days whereas control fruits could be stored for not more than 7 days. When 1-MCP was associated to modified atmosphere, storage life was 3 days longer at ambient temperature. Treated Galia melons were kept firmer than the controls for up to 30 days despite the storage atmosphere, and all fruits were acceptable for up to 27 days, the best being those treated with 1-MCP and modified atmosphere. Although shelf life of fresh-cut melons as defined by firmness and appearance was of about 20 days for all treatments, food safety aspects limited it to 12 days.