
Keeping plant quality during indoor life of weeping fig in relation to previous growing conditions

Scuderi D.; Romano D. and Leonardi C.

5th International Postharvest Symposium . Volume of Abstract . Verona, Italy 6-11 June 2004, p.133



Keeping plant quality during indoor life of weeping fig in relation to previous growing conditions Growing conditions of weeping fig (Ficus benjamina) under reduced light levels is very important to get good quality plants and to shorten production period. However, climatic conditions during production of weeping fig also affect acclimation and therefore plant characteristics under indoor conditions. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of radiation levels, during production, o­n subsequent response of weeping fig in simulated interior environment. Plants were exposed to 50, 66 and 86% radiation exclusion during growing and then held for eight weeks in interior environment. During this period the net photosynthesis was higher o­n plants grown under lower light availability, beside a significant reduction of leaf starch content was observed. Regradless to the growing conditions plants showed a significant leaf drop, which was the more evident the lower the radiation exclusion during production period was. This result allows us to conclude that the plants produced under higher light exclusion percentage keep better their qualitative characteristics under simulated indoor conditions.