
Manipulation of artichokes

H. Giambanco de Ena

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 660:545-550



Manipulation of artichokes

Manipulation is a necessary operation carried out in the warehouse to prepare artichokes for fresh marketing. Thus, o­nce quality control is carried out and lot is admitted, pre-refrigeration will be done. After this, the product is carried to the production line for its manipulation. Production line can be either simple or specially devised for vegetables which include a cutting devise or complete line consisting of the following phases: Dumping, brushing, selection, packing and preparing pallets. Selection is o­ne of the relevant processes, as also manual or mechanical classification and packing which has two variants: orderly in quantity and pre-packing. The latter must be mentioned due to its success in supermarkets. Manufacturing in filmed tray, wrapped pre-packs and selling in units will be described. Finally some rules for a correct labelling and good management will be given.