
An evaluation of dried fig production and marketing in turkey from dried fig exportation standpoint

F. Isin, T. Cukur, G. Armagan

ISHS Acta Horticulturae. 605:183-189.



An evaluation of dried fig production and marketing in turkey from dried fig exportation standpoint

Turkey produces nearly half of the world dried fig production and has the first place in production and in trade. Turkish fig production is mainly concentrated in the Big and SmallMeanderValleys. Standard dried fig production for exportation is obtained mainly in Aydın and Izmir provinces. In this study, dried fig production and marketing in Turkey will be analyzed. In addition, the problems faced by the producers in the Ege Region and especially in Izmir and Aydın during production and marketing of dried fig are evaluated. These problems will be handled from exportation point of view to enhance the exportation opportunities in Turkey.