
Developing critical pitter thresholds for canning peaches using a nondestructive firmness sensor

C. Valero, C.H. Crisosto, D. Metheney, E. Bowerman

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 604:811-815.



Developing critical pitter thresholds for canning peaches using a nondestructive firmness sensor The relationship between mechanical pitting damage using the Atlas pitter (Atlas Pacific Engineering Co., Inc., Pueblo, Colorado) over a range of nondestructive and destructive firmness measurements for ‘Andross’, ‘Carson’, and ‘Ross’ clingstone peaches was studied. During the two years of work, the percentage of ‘Andross’, ‘Carson’, and ‘Ross’ fruit with pitting damage increased sharply as nondestructive firmness sensor Sinclair firmness index values fell below 7.0 (SFI) and when destructive penetrometer readings fell below 17 (SFI). Even though there was a low correlation between nondestructive and destructive firmness measurements, nondestructive measurements appears to be well related to the pitting damage. These preliminary results encourage that further research to improve the relationship between an automatic nondestructive system could give processors the option to segregate peaches susceptible to pitting prior to processing.

This information measured at the receiving area could be useful for subjective grading and/or predicting potential pitter problems during processing.